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The Reboot Podcast

Aug 30, 2016

A few weeks ago, we released our first Reboot Extras in collaboration with NextView Venture’s Traction Podcast. Today we’re happy to bring you part 2 of that conversation. In today’s Reboot Extras, NextView’s Jay Acunzo really takes on the role of a skeptic (and plays it quite well). He challenges Dan with a...

Aug 22, 2016

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” ― Steven Pressfield "The War of Art" Semil Shah has done remarkably well as a one-man shop, but he is wrestling with the challenges of growing his business and being with his growing family of 5,...

Aug 2, 2016

This is our first Reboot Extra bringing you more Reboot content, ideas, and stories from more Reboot Voices. What happens when you and your co-founder experience conflict or strife but don't address it up front? When something festers and is ready to boil over, how do you bring it back down to a good place? This is Part...

Aug 1, 2016

"Wisdom, then, is a deeper way of knowing. Wisdom is the art of living in rhythm with your soul, your life, and the divine. Wisdom is the way that you learn to decipher the unknown; and the unknown is our closest companion. So wisdom is the art of being courageous and generous with the unknown, of being able to decipher...