Jun 29, 2021
When it comes to confidence, feeling A-Ok with showing vulnerability, and trying to avoid the sneaky snares of Imposter Syndrome, we often feel at odds, torn between the parts of us that say, “Who do you think you are?” and the parts of us who know who we are. Self-doubt and inadequacy can creep in and color the...
Jun 15, 2021
What are the factors that contribute to the failure of almost 90% of startup ventures? In this episode, Jerry sits down with author and Harvard Business School professor Tom Eisenmann to discuss the patterns that often precipitate the vast majority of startup failures. The pair take a closer look at how the advice...
Jun 1, 2021
Suneel Gupta is an entrepreneur, Harvard professor, and author of “Backable: The Surprising Truth Behind What Makes People Take a Chance on You.” In this episode, Suneel chats with Jerry about his personal struggles with fundraising and how it led him to attend a Reboot Bootcamp. They host a larger conversation...